Martin Dolan

I'm a writer based out of upstate New York

email me: dolan [dot] martin [dot] m [at]

twitter: @dolanmart_in

Essays & Criticism

Not My First Review - The Cleveland Review of Books (May 2024)

On Honor Levy, buzzy debuts, and whatever the hell Gen Z literature is

The Contours of Negative Space - The Los Angeles Review of Books (March 2024)

On Tessa Hulls' Feeding Ghosts

Second Growth Forest - The Washington Square Review (March 2024)

On Russel Banks' American Spirits

Exterior Lives - Full Stop (February 2024)

on Graywolf's Critical Hits Anthology and writing about video games

Space Junk - The Baffler (December 2023)

on Bethesda Game Studios and Microsoft's monopolization plot

Playing with Nature - The Los Angeles Review of Books (July 2023)

on The Legend of Zelda and Ecofiction


Spring Training - Cola (Spring 2024)

"Another million dollars down the drain"

Shelter - Gandy Dancer (Spring 2024)

"rumpled baby blue button-downs with ties that don’t quite match"

Two Flash Stories - Barzakh (Winter 2024)

"she smiles at her lack of progress. It feels like progress."

Donato's - Gandy Dancer (Fall 2022)

"Thee soup is served late, already cool, as if the kitchen staff and waitress have come together, conspired somehow to send you a message"

In-Laws - Barzakh (Summer 2022)

"I watch their silhouettes like a puppet show, struck the most by their similarities"

Booze Cruise - Barzakh (Winter 2022)

"Letting the dirty Shirly Temples and crisp October air get long-overdue conversations flowing"